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The Juhan Ross Legacy Symposium was held at Tartu Observatory, Tõravere, Estonia on 24-25 August 2017.


Scope of the Meeting

The Juhan Ross Legacy Symposium celebrated the recent 25th anniversary of the "Photon-Vegetation Interactions" book, edited by Ranga Myneni and J. Ross, published by Springer-Verlag, and 35th anniversary of "The Radiation Regime and Architecture of Plant Stands" book by J. Ross, published by Dr. W. Junk Publishers. Both books are considered classical works in the field of radiative transfer in plant canopies and in other branches of plant optics. The objective of the event was to bring together original contributors to the collective monograph, as well as other distinguished scientists, whose career might have been inspired and influenced by those publications. The symposium attendees also looked forward standing on the achievements that sprouted from the books, addressed gaps in the books which have been filled now, and also discussed those which still need filling.


Outcome of the Meeting

Presentations from this symposium are available in the PROGRAMME section. Attendees as well as other interested parties are encouraged to publish their work in the Special Issue of Remote Sensing journal "Radiative Transfer Modelling and Applications in Remote Sensing" (Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 May 2018).


Juhan Ross Legacy Symposium 2017 groupphoto2
Juhan Ross Legacy Symposium participants, 2017
Atmosfäärikud 1967
Research group led by Juhan Ross, 1967

Today and 50 years ago: 2017 photo of the Juhan Ross Legacy Symposium participants and the 1967 photo of the research group led by Juhan Ross (first from the right in the top row) at Tõravere. Dr. Tiit Nilson from Tartu Observatory is the first from the left in the top row in both photos.

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Important dates

  • 1 June 2017                         Registration (by invitation only) deadline
  • 1 July 2017                           Publication of the final program on website
  • 23 August 2017 at 8 pm    Welcome reception in Tartu
  • 24 August 2017                   Official symposium opening in Tõravere
  • 24 August 2017 at 7 pm    Symposium Dinner in Tartu

Main organizer and contact information
Jan Pisek
Tartu Observatory
61602, Tõravere
tel:+372 737 4510
fax:+372 737 4555